JePPIX MPW service: Design Rule Checking
With this service you can have your MPW designs checked automatically for (some) DRC violations. This may help you to find and fix errors in your design and to comply with foundry rules. You have to use an access key that was provided to you when booking your cell(s) with JePPIX.
This service is provided for the InP foundry:
- Smart Photonics (access key starts with "S")
- The current service is in an experimental phase. That means that some of the flagged DRC violations may not be real ("false positives"). Other real problems may not be detected at all ("false negatives").
- Files that you submit may be used for debugging by JePPIX. If you cannot allow this, you should not use the service at this moment. This might change in the near future.
- The files you submit, or the fact that you use this service, will never be shared with third parties.
- If this tool does not report any errors, that by no means guarantees the correctness of your design.
- If you have questions or feedback about this service, please contact the JePPIX coordinator.